Hello snails it has come to my attention that Damen is shutting down Snailschat therefore I wont have anything to post about which is why im shutting down this website.I will be keeping the site up but I will not update or post ever again (unless snailschat re opens).I would like to thankyou guys for making my blog one of the biggest and best in history!Thank you guys for playing Snailschat and keeping it fun as can be!Here are a few people who made Snailschat fun for me!My Pet Tux,ilovebacon1,Harry,Freddy and whoever else played Thankyou!If you guys want to email me my email is scoobydooinsc@gmail.com I may be on chat sometimes or on Club Penguin.This is Scooby Doo signing off.
Whos your favorite?(its gonna be me bacon XD) Im gonna miss you guyz :') - <3 the ONE AND ONLY Bacon XD